Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Time is getting short: 38 weeks in utero

Time is indeed getting short! In just over a week we will check into the UW, and after an overnight they will induce labor. We are to call and arrange a time to go in on Wednesday, March 4 (assuming Pat doesn't decide to arrive early) and that evening we will check in. They will get us set up in the delivery room, and give Pui a medicine to soften the cervix. There's a chance that will kick off labor, but if it doesn't they will give her a medicine called pitocin to induce labor. So the very latest Pat should arrive will be March 5.

Because they know that there are problems with his heart, but don't know the actual condition, we will not get much of a chance to hold him before he goes off for an in-depth examination. We were hoping for a chance to at least get a picture of him and Mommy "pre-IV", but it looks like we won't get the opportunity. Hopefully, he'll have only what we have diagnosed so far, and so will get a chance to hold and nurse him before his surgery early the next week.

Today we put together the stroller/carrier/car seat, and installed the fixed base in the car. It was actually easy. It's nice - we're both quite pleased with it. All of these things are supposed to be a challenge to put together. I guess everyone uses the "Writing Instructions for Dummies" book, so dummies like me can actually understand them. Ah, progress!

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