Thursday, February 5, 2009

Rob is limping: 35 weeks, 2 days in utero

Alas, my gout is acting up again, and so I haven't been doing a lot of walking around. I have been able to work with some pictures, though. If you want to see some photos from the the shower, you can follow this link to Baby Shower pictures. I think I have everyone that came in at least one photo, but maybe not.

Pui and I did some more preparation for the baby as well. After sorting through all of the great stuff we got in the shower, we updated our list of things to get and went shopping. One major gift, from my mother and sister, was the travel set - a combined carrier, car seat, and stroller. It came in a huge box, and between that and the other things we bought Mom and I had to unpack and repack the car 3 times, while Pui patiently sat in the car. No doubt rolling her eyes and laughing. But we did get it all in, and didn't have to leave someone standing in the parking lot.

The next day I went to the doctor for my foot - I hardly got any sleep that night because it hurt so much. Since I have no insurance, I had to pay out of pocket: ouch. That hurt almost as much as the gout. Dr. Chaput was awesome, as usual, and helped me find the most cost-effective approach to dealing with this.

Today - pictures. I did the baby shower pictures, changed the wall-paper on my computer (a sunset from our Bangkok condo - the same place I took the picture at the top of this page), and did quite a few puzzles. Actually, it was nice to be able to slow down for a day and shirk all responsibilities. :-)

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