Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Thank you! 36 weeks in utero

There are a lot of people that have been a huge help to us - huge - that we haven't mentioned in the blog, and I'd like to thank them here.

My sister Katy and a group of her friends have been enormously helpful. Whenever we have a question, we ask my sister and before the day is out we have answers, suggestions, and experiences from several people. Much of what we have bought, the pediatrician we want to use, and all sorts of practical advice have come from this great group.

The medical people we've dealt with - everyone associated with Children's Hospital has been great, and the staff at the UW has been great also. The financial person we worked with at Children's - Gary Ostendorf - helped us figure out how to be able to get all the fabulous help we've been getting. The DSHS people we have dealt with have also been terrific. and our High-Risk Pediatric Nurse with the county - Sue Borgstrom - is amazingly helpful as well.

Then there are the support groups. Hope For HLHS and Seattle CHD are a couple of support groups that have been good sources of information already, and are clearly going to play a large role in our lives in the next several years. Seattle CHD is a local group, with knowledge and experience about things here in Seattle, and Hope For HLHS is a much larger international group with a huge pool of experience and knowledge about all things HLHS.

To all these people and all the others I haven't named ... THANK YOU!

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